CROWDS«Crowds» is a liquid flowing through space. Arno constantly reworks this fluidity, imploring different materials, shaping them, cutting them, rolling them, striking them, folding them and then painting them with mixtures of pigments or very diluted oxidizing agents to give the sensation of the ink in this infamous initial drawing. By freezing this flow, Arno suspends the time that passes. It is for him «the fantasy trivialized by photography to freeze time, made accessible to the sculptor.

FULL BLUE . 170 x 50 cm - Stainless steel and paint - 2017

SHADOW . 146 x 70 x 40 cm - Oxidized steel - 2010

FOULES V (CROWDS V) . 100 x 40 cm - Polished brass and paint - 2013

FULL WATERFALL . 100 x 38 x 20 cm - Resin and burnt wood - 2020

FOULE (CROWD) . 400 x 120 x 80 cm -Polished stainless steel, painted on the back - 2019

EN ATTENDANT (WAITING) . 55 x 20 cm - Weathered steel - 2011

FULL UP . 80 x 25 x 20 cm - Oxidized steel, paint, wax - 2011

FULL BLUE . 170 x 50 cm - Stainless steel and paint - 2017 (detailed)

FOULE (CROWD) . 100 x 40 cm - Polished brass and paint - 2013

FOULE (CROWD) . 170 x 50 cm - Polished stainless steel, painted on the back - 2019

ATTIRÉE PAR LA LUMIÈRE (DRAWN TO THE LIGHT) . 80 x 10 cm - Weathered steel - 2011

FAMILLE (FAMILY) . 36.5 x 30 x 160 cm - Oxidized steel - 2017

COULURE 1 (RUN-OFF I) . 52 x 15 x 5 cm - Black metal - 2010

FOULE (CROWD) . 110 x 44 x 20 cm - Glass and paint - 2019



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